Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
5th Annual Congress on Diabetes, Obesity and Its Complications, will be organized around the theme “”
Diabetes Congress 2021 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Diabetes Congress 2021
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
People suffering from diabetes may develop cardiovascular diseases if their condition is not managed well for a long period of time. High levels of glucose in blood (Hyperglycemia), which characterizes diabetes, in combination with free fatty acids (hyperlipidemia) within the blood can alter the character of blood vessels, and this can lead to heart disease. Vascular disorders include coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, peripheral vascular disease (PVD), and heart stroke.
- Track 1-1Hyperlipidemia
- Track 1-2Hypertension
- Track 1-3Lower extremity arterial disease
- Track 1-4Doppler technology
- Track 1-5Atherosclerosis-risk factors and prevention
- Track 1-6Ischemic Heart disease
- Track 1-7Heart disease due to atherosclerosis
- Track 1-8Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
Also referred to as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), this procedure of treatment, which is not a part of standard medical care, have been found to be beneficial for many individuals with diabetes. Such treatments include Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Ayurvedic Medicine, Aromatherapy, relaxation therapy, etc. Some of these therapies aim at treating the body and the mind and are also helpful for relaxing and relieving stress. Additionally, such therapies help in mitigating nerve pain in individuals who have diabetic neuropathy.
- Track 2-1New Anti-Diabetic Drugs
- Track 2-2Intensive Combination Therapies
- Track 2-3Engineered Beta Cells
- Track 2-4Diabetic diet
- Track 2-5Acupuncture
- Track 2-6Yoga therapy
- Track 2-7Hydrotherapy
- Track 2-8Mind body medicine
- Track 2-9Herbal therapy
- Track 2-10Chinese Traditional Medicine for Diabetes
A combination of physical activities and diet promotion through support programs and counseling decrease weight, improve cholesterol levels, improve systolic blood pressure and decrease risk of diabetes disease. Increasing physical activities may be helpful in decreasing type-2 diabetes, particularly if undertaken soon after a carbohydrate rich meal that increases blood sugar levels.
- Track 3-1Adrenal Surgery and Care
- Track 3-2Bariatric Surgery
- Track 3-3Thyroid & Parathyroid Surgery and Care
- Track 3-4Endocrine Pancreas Surgery and Care
- Track 3-5Endoscopic transphenoidal pituitary Surgery and Care
- Track 3-6Review on Adults Undergoing Diabetic Surgery
- Track 3-7Surgical and non-surgical liposuction
- Track 3-8Neuroendocrine Surgery and Care
- Track 3-9Advanced Inch Loss therapy
- Track 3-10Weight loss using Kinesiology
- Track 3-11Morbid Obesity Treatment
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) refers to condition in which acids buildup in the blood of patient due to prolonged hyperglycemia due to type 1 or type 2 Diabetes. DKA can be life threatening. Symptoms include dry mouth, feeling thirsty, urinating more often, fruity smell in breath due to excessive levels of Ketones in blood.
- Track 5-1Insulin Resistance
- Track 5-2Diabetic Coma
- Track 5-3Myocardial infarction
- Track 5-4Prevention and treatment
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHNS) is a complication of diabetes mellitus in which uncontrolled blood sugar results in high osmolarity without significant ketoacidosis. Symptoms of HHNS include dehydration, Vision problems, leg cramps and altered levels of consciousness, seizures, rhabdomylosis, Low B.P and weakness.
- Track 6-1Diabetic Coma
- Track 6-2Diagnosis of HHNS
- Track 6-3Risk factors associated with HHNS
- Track 6-4Prevention and treatment
- Track 7-1malabsorption
- Track 7-2diagnosis and treatment
- Track 7-3diagnosis and treatment
Diabetic patients are prone to having foot problems, because of two complications of diabetes: first one nerve damage (neuropathy) and second one poor circulation. Neuropathy leads to cause loss of feeling in your feet, taking away your ability to feel discomfort and pain, so you are unable to detect an injury or irritation in your foot. Poor blood circulation in your feet reduces your ability to heal, making it hard for even a tiny cut to resist infection.
Diabetes-Related Foot & Leg Problems
- Infections and ulcers (sores) that do not heal
- Corns and calluses
- Dry, cracked skin
- Nail disorders
- Hammertoes and bunions
- Charcot foot
- Poor blood flow
- Track 8-1Diabetic Foot ulcers
- Track 8-2Diabetic Foot Amputation
- Track 8-3Diabetic Foot Pain
- Track 8-4Charcot’s foot
- Track 8-5Gangrene
- Track 8-6Miscellaneous Diabetic Foot Damage
- Track 8-7Footcare in Diabetes
Skin Complications in diabetes include Bacterial and fungal infections, Acanthosis nigricans, Diabetic dermopathy, Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, Diabetic blisters, Eruptive xanthomatosis, Digital sclerosis, Disseminated granuloma annulare. Proper hygiene and care in needed to prevent infections and other complications.
- Track 9-1Styes
- Track 9-2Boils
- Track 9-3Folliculitis
- Track 9-4Carbuncles
- Track 9-5Diabetic dermopathy
- Track 9-6Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
- Track 9-7Diabetic blisters
- Track 9-8Eruptive xanthomatosis
- Track 9-9Digital sclerosis
- Track 9-10Disseminated granuloma annulare
- Track 9-11Skin Care in Diabetes
Diabetes refers to a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood.
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Pre-diabetes and
- Gestational diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is also known as Juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes. It is due to autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells responsible for insulin production, typically leading to a lack of insulin.
Type 2 diabetes is Adult onset diabetes or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. In Type 2 diabetes the cells in the body fail to take up the free glucose circulating in the blood due to insulin resistance leading to abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia).
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is caused by pregnancy and is often diagnosed in middle or late pregnancy.
- Track 10-1Signs and symptoms of Diabetes
- Track 10-2Types of Diabetes
- Track 10-3Risk factors
- Track 10-4Steroid-induced diabetes
- Track 10-5Prediabetes
- Track 10-6Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes
- Track 10-7Post-Pancreatectomy diabetes
Diabetics are more prone to developing oral complications than healthy individuals. The dental and gum diseases associated with diabetes including gingivitis, periodontitis, bacterial and fungal infections, dry mouth, loose teeth, tooth decay, bad breath etc. Prolonged levels of blood glucose can lead to developing or worsening of dental infections. Maintaining proper blood glucose level and appropriate oral hygiene can help lessen such complications.
- Track 11-1Diabetic Periodontitis
- Track 11-2Gum abscesses
- Track 11-3Gingivitis
- Track 11-4Dental Care, Hygiene & Treatment
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a type of diabetes occurs during pregnancy and is associated with complications to both mother and fetus. Gestational diabetes occurs due to insufficient production of insulin in the body needed for pregnancy. As a result, glucose builds up in the blood to high levels leading to hyperglycemia. Gestational diabetes occur late pregnancy, after the baby's body has been designed and hence does not cause birth defects.
- Track 12-1Macrosomia
- Track 12-2Premature birth & Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Track 12-3Neonatal Hypoglycemia
- Track 12-4Preeclampsia
- Track 12-5Polyhydramnios
- Track 12-6Birth Trauma
- Track 12-7Subsequent gestational diabetes
Overtime diabetes causes certain eye complications and diseases like diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, visual impairment, poor vision, Glaucoma, Macular edema etc.,
Diabetic retinopathy is a disease that affects your eyes. Diabetic Retinopathy caused by damaging retina of your eye (Sensitive tissue of eye). At earlier stage, diabetic retinopathy may cause only mild vision problems but eventually, it can cause blindness. Diabetes Retinopathy condition can develop in anyone who has type 1 or type 2 diabetes Mellitus. If you have diabetes from longer time and less controlled your blood sugar levels then there are more chances to develop this eye complication.
- Track 13-1Background retinopathy
- Track 13-2Proliferative retinopathy
- Track 13-3Diabetic maculopathy
- Track 13-4Visual Impairment in Diabetes
- Track 13-5Cataracts
- Track 13-6Glaucoma
- Track 13-7Retinal detachment
Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur in diabetic patients due to high sugar levels in the body. It most often damages nerves in legs and feet. Symptoms include numbness, tingling or burning sensation, sharp pains and cramps, muscle weakness, loss of reflexes etc.
- Track 14-1Memory loss
- Track 14-2Alzheimer’s Disease
- Track 14-3Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy
- Track 14-4Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
- Track 14-5Diabetic amyotrophy
Diabetic nephropathy is a renal complication associated with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It is also known diabetic kidney disease. Diabetic nephropathy affects the ability of your kidneys to filter and remove waste products form blood due to damage to glomeruli of kidneys. The best way to avoid or delay diabetic nephropathy is healthy lifestyle and proper treatment of diabetes and Hypertension.
- Track 15-1Protenuria
- Track 15-2Albuminuria
Diabetic patients need to maintain their body weight proper diet and exercise. Losing about 5-7% of the body weight may help better control type-2 diabetes. Bariatric surgery and other innovative treatment options and surgeries are available in the market for obese people to lose body weight for proper management of Diabetes.
- Track 16-1Dietary and lifestyle changes
- Track 16-2Metaflammation
- Track 16-3Weight loss Medications
Endocrinology is a branch of physiology and medicine concerned with endocrine glands and hormones. The doctors who are specialist in dealing with endocrine gland disorders and functions are called as Endocrinologists. Diabetes is a chronic disease which occurs when the beta cells of pancreas fail to produce insulin, or when the body cannot make proper use of the insulin it produces.
- Track 17-1Endocrine disorders
- Track 17-2Pancreatic disorders
- Track 17-3Obesity and metabolic syndrome
- Track 17-4Pediatric endocrinology and diabetes